I am finally finished with the totes that I have been working on. The green and orange one below is the first one that I made for myself. The others are all for gifting. A lot of people on your Christmas gift list are creative and I bet some of them are knitters! You might consider the subtle art of felting, as a way to make a really neat bag.
This particular pattern can be found in the Debbie Macomber Cedar Cove Collection. Now, you might be intimidated by the fact that, once you finish knitting a gigantic bag in stockinette stitch, you then plunge it into a hot soapy wash in the clothes washer, followed by a plunge into the cold rinse-- and no spinning!...... arrrrgh!!!! Stress!!!!
But believe me, I'm used to it now and can asure you that it is sooooo simple that you will love doing it!
You remember felting by accident? That's when you put that wonderful wool sweater in to the wash by mistake, and it come out looking like it's made for Malibu Barbie........
BUT....... when you are doing it with purpose, you open that washer and find the most beautiful bag you could imagine and you think, "I made this!? Wow!"
Working on the final rush to Christmas gift making-- next comes mittens, I hope!
Have a great day,