Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thoughts about what we can do with our stitching

Good Morning!
Today I want to talk about what we can do with our stitching beyond making beautiful items for ourselves, our family and friends. In addition to making things for those we directly know and care about, there are many ways to share what we do with those in need.
I wanted to talk about just a few ideas that take our craft and use it to comfort those in need or sickness, to give babies at risk something to keep them warm and to share what we do simply to make the world a bit more of a comfort zone.
One way to use your knitting and crocheting gifts is to join or create a local Prayer Shawl Group. These individuals make a variety of shawls, for both men and women and also make small afghans. These are used in hospitals, homes, hospices; with people we know and are connected to by our places of worship or community centers, or they can also be people we do not know at all. There are many books with lovely ideas and patterns, or you can use any shawl pattern. Christians sometimes use stitches in groups of 3's, to represent the Trinity and the prayers that they offer while making these shawls for the people who use them. Other faith groups may use other symbolism, but at the root of this offering is that people who knit or crochet these items offer their prayers for the health and well-being of those who receive their shawl or afghan.

Above are two pictures of the blessing of items made by the Prayer Shawl Group of The Cathedral of St. John, Providence, RI.
We also make items for babies at Kent County Hospital. One thing that we do is preemie hats. Another is that we make afghans for babies. Here is a sample of afghans that we have made for Blue Denim Ministries, which is a ministry set up to help young at-risk mothers and their new babies by providing them with items for baby until services are in place to provide necessities for the baby and mother. Above are two pictures of some of them, too.
These are only a few ideas. Why not post some of your own special ideas?

Have a great day,


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